Dr Katsioulis applies a combination of psychotherapy techniques including person-centered, humanistic, Gestalt, cognitive analytical and cognitive behavioral therapies.


He offers personal and group psychotherapy and counseling sessions and psychiatric assessments in his private practice in Thessaloniki, Greece


Publisher: Shezlong.com
Date: 04/06/2017
Language: English, Arabic
Type of reference: Bio/Profile
External link: Therapist: Dr Evangelos Katsioulis, Consultant Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist, MD, MSc, MA, PhD




MD: Medical Doctor, School of Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (2000)
MSc: Master in Science in Medical Informatics, School of Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (2003)
MA: Master in Arts in Philosophy, School of Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (2013)
PhD: Doctorate in Psychopharmacology, School of Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (2015)




Charing Cross Scheme in Psychiatry (2005-2007), Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, Charing Cross Hospital, Gordon Hospital, London, UK.
Psychiatric Hospital Rotational Scheme in Psychiatry (2011-2014), Psychiatric Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece.


Foundations and Social involvement:


Founder & President of PsyCall, an online international psychotherapy and counseling service (2014-)
Founder & President of Omadikes (Omadikes.gr), an online Greek group psychotherapy and counseling service (2016-)
Founder & President of World Intelligence Network (WIN), an international organization for the detection, development and appreciation of abilities (2001-)
Founder & President of AAAA (NGO), a Greek non-profit organization for the detection of child giftedness, offering educational stimuli and professional development (2012-2014)
Founder & President of OLYMPIQ Society, an international High IQ Society (2001-)
Founder & President of HELLIQ Society, an international High IQ Society (2001-)
Founder & President of CIVIQ Society, an international High IQ Society (2001-)
Founder & President of GRIQ Society, an international High IQ Society (2012-)
Founder & President of QIQ Society, an international High IQ Society (2012-)
Founder & President of IQID Child Society, an international child High IQ Society (2012-)
Founder & President of GREEK IQ Society, a Greek High IQ Society (2012-)


Distinctions – Awards:


Ranked 3rd in Mathematics, National Mathematics contest, Thessaloniki, Greece (1989)
Ranked 1st in Physics, National Physics contest, Greek National exams, Greece (1993)
Ranked 1st in Intelligence (IQ), Cerebrals International Intelligence Contest (2003)
Ranked 1st in Intelligence (IQ), Cerebrals International Intelligence Contest (2009)
Membership in 80+ High IQ Societies worldwide including GIGA Society (requires a minimum IQ 196, sd 16)
Reported having achieved the highest recorded adult intelligence performance with an IQ 205, sd 16 (Yahoo! Finance, 20121030).


References – Contacts:


Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evangelos_Katsioulis
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Dr.Evangelos.Katsioulis
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+EvangelosKatsioulis
Instagram: https://instagram.com/evangelos.katsioulis/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/SauceEyeT/
Linkedin: https://gr.linkedin.com/in/katsioulis
Pinterest: http://gr.pinterest.com/ekatsioulis/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ekatsioulis
Professional web: www.katsioulis.com
Email: [email protected]


Evangelos Katsioulis on Shezlong


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