SOUL Medicine
Soul is based in the Brain.
Brain is a Body organ.
Body Health is
supported by Medicine.
Psychiatry is the field of
Medicine which targets
Soul Health.
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Salvage Therapy with Temozolamide in two patients with primary non-operable Glioblastoma Multiforme
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Risk Assessment and Human Exposure
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Genotoxic activity of two commonly used Benzodiazepines
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Hi EK, is there a reason why psycho meds would affect lymphocytes any differently from other types of meds, chemicals or toxins?
Find laughter, find God, my friend.
Impressive resume….
If Dr. Katsioulis graduated from Medical School in 2000, what did he do between then and 2001? You said he worked as the Senior House Officer in Psychiatry in 2001. How did he become a Senior Officer in the span of a year?
Yes, very impressive.
I’d be curious to know what Dr. Katsioulis’ take is on Mindfulness for depression patients. Effective or not? Alternatives?
Dr Katsioulis is exceptionally intelligent. In my own point of view, being intelligent like Dr Katsioulis is not only gained by book learning, a narrow academic skill, or test-taking smarts. Rather, it also reflects a broader and deeper capability for comprehending our surroundings. Several tests have been developed to determine one’s intelligence , Dr Katsioulis was determined by a series of academic and IQ distinctions. Therefore, I conclude that being aware of the importance of intelligence really matters.
He has great accomplishments in the field of medicine.
Duh..this is not PSYCHIATRY!
They lower life expectancy CJ. The human organism is designed/evolved for self preservation.
Dear Dr. Katsioulis
we are colleagues both graduates fron the Aristotelion (albeit myself 47 years earlier! I too am a Psychiatrist (57 yrs 15000 Pts!)Perhaps you may help and find the matter of interest as it comes from a different angle.
Here is the problem in a summary form from the original article.( the challenge for you as a better discerning man:
All future individuals who will develop Major Mental disorders ,are recruited from a pool of vulnerable individuals possessing extreme temperamental variant – premorbid personality- signifying an underlying structural extreme variant for the particular individual -( This pool is made up of 16% of the general population ) Some of these individuals will probabilistically develop a form ( the form depending on the type of extreme temperamental variant.) of a major mental disorder( 3% of the general population worldwide!) amenable to prediction only by statistical methods.
Even though the clinical expression of the various forms of MMDs differ, depending of which higher faculty is affected (i.e. If the faculty of mood modulation then the MMD will express itself as Bipolar disorder etc) , they all share some thing very important in common : They all express themselves in an either -or , pathologically ordered way . thus in the case of Bipolar disorder;the previous subtlety delicacy and amalgamated mixture of constrained enthusiasm mixed with constrained sobriety of the normal person ,is now replaced with antithetical substitutes of crude unwarranted emotional exuberance , to be replaced in a few days by equally unwarranted pessimism and sadness. THIS IS TRUE for all MMDs. It appears that during the expression of MMDs , the overall operating mode of brain faction insuring elegance ,smooth coordination more or less-ness in the expression of all higher brain faculties is now and periodically switches to a pathological mode . A glaring example from different quarters, is during the expression of Parkinson’s disease where the previous smooth elegance exhibited by the normal person in body movement is is now replaced by spastic crude painful to watch zombie like movements characteristic of the disease( In this case the order for body movement originating in the motor cortex in no longer coordinated and smoothed out by the now damaged basal ganglia in the brain ) This form of ” psychic “Parkinsonism has being overlooked in the expression of MMD.( The current Nosological Schema acting as a semantic trap. through the Procrustian method! )
The MMDs ( Exhibiting the pathological ordered Phase ) are periodic in their occurrence and almost invariably recoverable- albeit temporarily ) with Electroshock treatment ( An anti-aesthetic fraught with side effects crude induction of convulsions ( Rebooting the brain in its functions as it were )and partially improving with medications who are fraught with serious side effects especially in the metabolism and are compromising the zest of life.
Here is the Challenge to you as an( electronic ?) expert : Can we develop a particular “chaotic ” signal to input to the brain during the pathologically ordered phase in lieu of electroshock ? or alternatively taking the EEG tracings of a normal person or of the Pt’s himself during his normal temporarily recovered phase and in put it back during his relapse ?
Efforts currently are being made with the so called deep electrical or magnetic stimulation. a shut gun approach without any rational to it thus they go non-where
i hope you will respond
Disapear only exists in fake doctors psychiatrists.