(IQ 198, SD 15)
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🔴 LIVE Discussion: Uncovering the Secrets of Intelligence, AI, and Mind Power with Dr. Evan Cat & Marco Ripà
🔥What is intelligence, really?
🧠 Is it the same for adults and kids?
💫 And how can we unlock more of our mind’s potential to truly transform our lives?
⚡ In this powerful live-stream discussion,
Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis (aka Evan Cat),
renowned Life Coach, Consultant Psychiatrist, and Psychotherapist
dives deep with Marco Ripà,
Founder of the sPIqr Society, Economics expert, and a self-taught mind in mathematics, logic, and psychology.
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Together, they tackle some of today’s most intriguing questions about intelligence and the mind, including:
✅ 00:00 Welcome by Marco Ripà
✅ 01:27 Introduction by Evan Cat
✅ 02:53 World Intelligence Network introduced in Dubai, 2012
✅ 03:15 Evangelos was honored to receive the 2015 GOTY Award
✅ 03:41 What Intelligence is about? Definitely not just awards and prizes
✅ 04:26 What World Intelligence Network stands for?
✅ 05:48 What is the difference between High IQ, Intelligence, and Genius?
✅ 06:35 Who is Genius?
✅ 06:50 What is Intelligence?
✅ 07:58 What is IQ and why it was invented?
✅ 08:20 How to identify a smart person?
✅ 08:53 Stanford-Binet IQ scale, the first IQ inventory
✅ 09:41 Which IQ scale is preferable? The Stanford-Binet (16 points), The Wechsler (15 points) or Cattell (24 points)
✅ 10:38 The difference between child IQ and adult IQ—why it matters
✅ 14:12 How far are we from understanding how brain works?
✅ 14:22 Comments on ChatGPT having estimated its own IQ as 200
✅ 15:50 What are AI's current capabilities?
✅ 19:06 Are there regulations at least in EU to monitor AI development?
✅ 19:31 Should we block AI advancement?
✅ 20:23 Can current AI and Science understand how brain works?
✅ 21:14 Are high-range IQ tests currently reliable, especially after AI was introduced?
✅ 26:33 What is Evan Cat's IQ?
✅ 28:35 Are there any other ways to estimate intelligence, other than IQ?
✅ 29:30 What is the definition of consciousness?
✅ 33:47 A fake me says hello
✅ 34:22 What is your life philosophy?
✅ 37:51 Does IQ ranking reflect the real life IQ?
✅ 39:09 Can a high IQ score be helpful when a lot is missing from one's life?
✅ 41:49 Distinguish when we enjoy taking IQ tests from needing them
✅ 43:41 High IQ scores may prevent one from self-improvement?
✅ 45:38 A nihilistic approach in life is positive or negative?
✅ 46:17 Would it be able in the future to test IQ in a passive way, without active involvement of the testee?
✅ 47:53 The higher the self-image, the higher the risk for isolation from others? Or else, what is a Narcissist's life?
✅ 51:21 Are High IQ Societies created to solve problems?
✅ 52:21 How should we deal with failure?
✅ 55:00 Is an everyday High IQ living anyhow different?
✅ 58:48 Closing thanks & salutations
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Marco Ripà (MR):
Ciao Smarties! Hello everyone we are live
with our special guest, our known,
our well-known personality, Dr Evangelos Katsioulis,
who is one of the most intelligent people in
the world and a former holder of the
title of the highest measured adult IQ
globally. If you are enjoying this, please
like the video if you like it and please
give the video a like, of course. And
subscribe to
Evangelos' channel. You can expand the box
in the description below and click the
link, of
course. So, we have 12
people at the moment but...
Evan Cat (EC):
Welcome everybody
Yeah yeah, they will, this
number, I hope, will rise. Evangelos
could you please introduce yourself to
our Italian audience. This channel often
explores topics like Logics, logic
giftedness, and also psychometric aspects
of high-range IQ test, so I'm sure that love to
hear more about you and your projects,
your idea on a broad range of aspects
including life and our personal self
assessment, I don't
First of all, Marco, thank you very
much for the invite, which it took me
five years to accept, to be honest,
however, here I am, I'm happy to have a
chat with you and happy to communicate
with your
audience. I'm a Greek Psychiatrist
Psychotherapist, Life coach, and I'm the
founder of a couple of societies. a bit
more than a couple, to be honest and a
global Community, World intelligence
Network, which was found in 2000,
24 years ago and this Global
Community is a hosting environment for
high IQ societies. Which practically make
me one person who is deeply involved
in high IQ
communities. I'm interested in
assessing abilities and actually I'm
even more interested in taking advantage
of abilities. That's my main aim, to be
honest. So, I've taken a couple of
tests myself and uh had some pretty fine
scores, which made reference to some
media at times, especially in the past.
And based on my special interest on
intelligence and IQ testing, I met a lot
of people and among these people, here
you are.
Yep, I remember the WIN project, you
also introduced it in the conference
in 2000, in 2012 in Dubai in July, Dubai
it's also nice to say
And we took some fine
pictures then
Yeah have some pictures of
that meeting, so you were also the, you
won also the GOTY award in
2013 if I'm not getting that wrong, the first
time they held the award, so
Yes I was
honored to accept this award it's,
it's an honor for me. It's like a
recognition of my participation in the
high IQ Community, however it's not, when
we talk about IQ and high IQ and special
abilities and intelligence and
appreciation of intelligence, actually we
don't talk about Awards and prizes. We
talk about a very ground ability, that
we need to use in order to improve our
lives. That's the main task, the main
goal. And that's my, that's what I have in
mind actually, how to take advantage of
any ability, I may have, and how to
make people improve their own lives
based on their own
abilities. So, actually yes, I received
that award, but that's not the big thing in
my life.
Yep I'm sure. Anyway, let's
come back to the
'WIN', the 'WIN' project, so, this is an
umbrella, an umbrella organization that
put together some different, many
different high IQ
societies from different, with different
cut offs, of
course. How do you have had this idea and
are you still enjoying the
Well, Marco, thanks for the
question. It's an interesting question
and I hope the answer is interesting too.
I was thinking back in 2000, that we
need a hosting
environment, a supportive environment
for people with abilities, for interested
people with abilities to offer their
abilities, offer their
potentials, to benefit Humanity,
to benefit other people, to find solutions,
to help finding some answers to some
general or more specific questions and
that was the main idea, actually. How to
gather people with abilities, how to
create and which way to create a hosting,
a proper hosting environment for people
to exhibit their abilities and take
advantage of them for the benefit of
any other and also for
Okay, this is a little
embarrassing, but I have to say that.
You are recognized from your achievements in
both supervised and also high-range IQ tests,
of course, and your broad expertise spans
fields from Psychiatry to Information
Technology, I've read, and also Philosophy.
You have been featured in numerous media
outlets, discussing about intelligence
and so my question is can you briefly
try to explain which is the difference
between high IQ, intelligence and the genius,
if that's saying in your
opinion. It's hard, a hard question
I know.
Well, the question is about a difference.
The thing is, is there any difference
at all? A person, who is named, who is
titled as genius, apparently affords some
abilities. One major ability, that a
person, who is named genius has, is
intelligence. Intelligence is the potential
of applying some analytical skills,
excessive thinking,
thinking and conceptualizing behind
what is
understanding, offering some,
criticizing what is going on and taking,
taking decisions and actually finding
proper solutions. Well, this is a set of
skills, which is
which is, actually, a descriptive
definition of what intelligence is. So,
so, in my thinking, a person who is genius
or a person who is named genius, a person
who has exceptional cognitive abilities
needs this person to be, to have
an assessment in intelligence to
actually have a practical application of
intelligence, which actually gives some
results, gives something, makes a
difference. Which is the important thing.
So, practically, there is no difference
between these terms. The term
IQ is... Let's say a few things
about IQ. IQ is a psychometric
tool. It's something, it's an inventory.
Psychologists, apparently, one century
ago, developed this tool in order to be
able to be in a position to assess
raw intelligence. To be honest, a smart
person, an intelligent person is quite
obvious to be understood by anyone. Is a
person who is finding solutions, a person
who most
likely serves other people or serves
himself as a leader or as a person who
takes decisions, who finds solutions. That,
that's the kind of person, who has
abilities. However, the science of
psychology needed an instrument, needed
an inventory. That's why they
We are talking about Binet, if I'm not
getting that wrong. Then, Catherine Cockster tried
to estimate also the IQ of different
genius, but this is quite opinionable, maybe. But
the first tool, if I am not getting that wrong, was by
Binet, Alfred Binet. So have the Binet scale, also
with deviation
And it's one of the most recognized
scales, by the way. Still in use, to be
honest. The thing is that IQ is a human-made
instrument. Intelligence is an ability we
have. And genius is the person who has
There are different comments
but I can't read all of them in real
time. Anyway, yeah, he's Greek, of course.
Anyway, so you prefer to use standard
deviation of 16 rather than the Wechsler
Actually, the most common
deviation in use is the 15 one
The Wechsler scale. That's the one. As far as I
come across a lot of people who are
sending me their reports, in order to
apply in some of my Societies or they
ask for some advice, most of them have
results using this scale, the
Wechsler scale. Which is a scale, which uses
the 15 points. However, the Binet scale,
the Stanford Binet scale with the 16 points
is also very popular and also let us
mention the Cattel scale, which is the 24
scale, which is also quite in use, but not
not that much popular as the others.
Maybe this is interesting, when we are
considering the ratio IQ for children, so
we can make the comparison between
the current age, the real age, and the
potential compared to mental age,
compared to the
real age, so.
Marco, that's a very
interesting point. And we need to make
it clear. Just allow me a couple of,
one minute, a couple of minutes to
explain the major difference between
the child IQ and the adult IQ. The child
IQ is a ratio. A ratio of the mental
age to the physical age.
Chronological age, sorry
exactly, it's a fraction.
It's a fraction of the
mental age of the child and the
actual age of the child, to the actual
age of the child. The adult IQ has a
totally different definition. It's
actually the rarity, how rare is an
individual's performance in the general
population. Which is a totally different
definition. So, practically, when we give a,
when an individual has an IQ of, let's
120, that means that this
specific individual has scored in a
specific intelligence assessment, 20
points above the mean. The mean IQ is,
in child IQ, both in child IQ and adult IQ,
the 100. Well known to everybody, I
think. Well, an individual, an adult
individual who scored 120, scored 20
points above the mean. Which, given the
Gauss distribution, normal distribution,
expected distribution of the
results, this means that, if we use
a deviation of 15, that's a bit
above of one
deviation. if we use a deviation of 16
that's also a bit above the one
deviation for this specific performance.
If we use a deviation of 24, that's a bit
lower than one deviation above the mean.
That's the interpretation of the
specific score for an adult.
If a child scores 120, that means that he's,
the child's mental age is 1.2 times more
than his actual chronological, physical
age. Which means that, if the child is
five years old, based on
the specific IQ, his
mental age is six years
old. You understand it's a totally
different concept and we need to make it
clear. Because, in many lists around
the world, many people refer to child
IQ and then, they include in the specific,
same list adult IQ performances, which is
a totally different concept. So, it's
actually a mess, if someone knows the
difference. It's actually a mess finding
these lists and having mixed results,
mixed entries, with adult performances
and child performances. Just to make it
clear. And thanks for the question
actually. It's a pretty interesting
welcome. This is a strange comment: Is
this sponsored content? No,
no. It's just StreamYard, which allow us
to stream for free. That's all. Then
just me try to read. Oh, Pinco Pallino, hi!
He said: How far are we from
understanding how exactly the brain
works, in its superior faculties
(intelligence, memory and creativity). And
this leads us to our next question.
I have another question, which is:
On a related note, I recently asked to ChatGPT 4, 4.0,
to estimate its own IQ based on
its theoretical performance on multiple
choice part recognition tasks.
It responded that it could achieve an IQ
score of over 200. I really can say, why
it says this, he is it, I don't know,
ranging anyway 200, ranking among the top
0.001% of people. I directly ask this:
take a sample of
100 random adult people and select the
people, how do you rank among them in a
multiple choice test and it said, it
answered that it would rank on the
top of any human being. So, while I
think that this might be an overly
generous self assessment, this is just my
opinion, it's still remarkable how
quickly AI has advanced in areas like
mathematics, logic reasoning
and coding. I tried it with python coding
and that's the case. So, have you had a
chance to test AI yourself and the
second question is what's your opinion
on its current capabilities, if you have
figured it out how is going on?
Well, let
me start my statement, my answer
to such a question saying that I'm
not an expert I'm not an AI expert and
I'm not considering myself not even an
I expert, an intelligence expert.
I'm just a person, who exhibited some
interest in taking some tests. I'm also
focused and specialized in mental
health and that's my professional
involvement. So, actually I'm not very
much into the academics or the research
of AI. That's Point number one.
Secondly, I consider that we are
developing. Okay? That's
something that no one can deny.
We are developing fast. We have developed
a very,
a very effective tool, which is
the artificial part of developing
intelligence and practically this
intelligence can give us answers
can conceptualize, can analyze even, at
times, even better than many
of us. That's quite a
fact today. The thing is that we don't
have any ground
rules. We don't have any
limits, any boundaries how far this
development can go and how we
can actually take advantage of these
developments, instead of, at one time
in the future, having to face or having
to fight with machines. Or like in some
very popular movies, science fiction
movies. We need, we are developing
something that is very powerful.
That's a
It's coming
It's like Matrix or whatever else.
I mean there are plenty of movies and
plenty of creators who tried to
approach, such an imagination at that
point of time, however in our days, it's
not really imagination. It's something
that it alive.It is
live. it is open and run, open
and running for the time being. So, we
need to raise some specific
boundaries, some specific rules,
some ways, some means to control this power.
As you can understand this, we are
talking about power. And if this power,
if a specific individual, let's say,
imagine any random human being, could
handle, and could direct, and could take
advantage, and could take use of this power
to go against other people or to go
against humanity or even to destroy our
civilization, at some point of time in
the future, this may be even possible.
So, how can we protect ourselves from
what we are currently developing in
order to benefit
I think...
We need to think in
advance about it.
I think that in Europe we
are quite good at regulation, compared
with different countries or systems
but, so you are Greek, and you should
agree with this, I hope. And how do
you think that we are moving
in this complex field, since we cannot
block something in a country and let it
run all over the world. I remember that
in Italy, we have blocked ChatGPT for a
while, and it hasn't been good and we
went nowhere. So, which is the...
I think, the thing is not to block
the progress or to create any
kind of obstacles in such a process.
The thing is how to manage it,
how to direct it, and how to develop
it in a safe way, in a safe
How an authority,
and I'm not talking about governments or
some specific individuals who could be
in charge. I'm talking as Humanity, how we
can take advantage of something very
powerful that we are currently
developing. That's the thing. And in terms
of the question, yes, we are in a process
that Ai and the current science
developments come very close to
analyze and understand as much as never
before, how our memory works, how our
imagination works, and how our mind works.
However, we are still in a process.
I think it's
gonna be more optimistic than
actual to say that we achieved that.
We haven't achieved that yet, but we are
very close.
Yeah, this led us to
my next question, which is about, also
about IQ, but obviously we are
considering the AI problems.
So, what are your thoughts on the
current reliability of range IQ tests,
especially those, that are
unsupervised. Most of them are
unsupervised and without time limitations.
So, we are considering the classical
high IQ test, and so, in the age of AI, like
ChatGPT. So, specifically, do you think
their reliability has been affected since
the public release of
4.0 version especially, and in general
after November 2022, when ChatGPT was
released to everybody, to the public, so?
Marco, that's a nice question, by the way.
Thanks for asking such a question.
As I told you, I'm running a couple of
societies, and I'm in the field of
high IQ communities for many
years, for more than two decades, to be
honest. So, each and every day, and
let's say, not each and every
day, but every few days, I'm receiving letters,
emails from people, letting me know
that some other, another individual or another
group of individuals have compromised
specific tests using AI, using
discussion chats and forums around
the world, from specific countries or
worldwide. And I'm getting all these
emails that people have compromised
everything, almost everything. The thing
is that, it's very easy in our days to
make a rather deep
search, using AI or asking AI to
solve specific items or take
in advance, even before you take, anyone is
taking a test, downloading the test,
finding the test somewhere in the
internet, or ordering the test. People
offer supervised tests around the
world to be purchased by anyone.
Not only by a specialized one, not by a
psychologist one, not by a supervising
authority. However, anyone can buy any
test. Anyone can.
Let me just say that me,
together with Gaetano Morelli, another
recognized IQ
personality, wrote and published in the
paper, I can't remember the exact year, I
mean I think around 2013 or 14, which
is about this issue, maybe later, anyway
we saw
that this fact actually occurs. So,
there are people, which are buying and
selling supervised IQ tests on eBay,
if I am not getting that wrong. It's on educational
research this paper. It's available.
And eBay is the white web. There is also
the dark web. We just don't even talk about
dark web.
I've never been on.
Me neither.
Me neither, but there is.
Yeah, so, so,
at the time we released the beta
version of, I don't know, if we talked
about this at the time. Anyway, we
released the numerical version of the
first dynamic equality normed
IQ test, but it was a very, very hard test.
So, random people cannot achieve a
positive score
usually, only very few people were able
to score one or two, as a raw score in
that test. So, it's not useful
for practical
And for compromises. However,
if it's very hard, if a test is very hard,
you understand, that this test can never
be very
I read a lot of hating
all related, talking about English, speaking
English, and so on. But are you
understanding the topics and the
meaning of the live. I'm just talking
with these random fake accounts on the
chat, you know. You have a lot of hating
and I'm sure you are also facing
this problem on the web.
So, just you want
to spend so, your spare time, I
mean, just click and close the
video, and go outside, go play
away. So, that's no problem for me. But
please, leave the chat for people who are
interested in this kind of conversation.
Sorry about that.
Marco, sorry to interrupt, but
you can never control that. No matter how
polite, how kind you are, how many times
you will say the same thing, you cannot,
you can never control that. You know
better than myself. So... It's
This is a funny
comment in Italian, but I can
translate. Anonimo 399
asks you, which is your IQ, so... We have
just put it in the title, but...
if I'm willing to give an answer about my
current IQ, I can't, I'm in no position to
give an answer, because I haven't been
tested myself now or recently. Many,
many years ago, when I was taking
quite a lot of tests, because I was
very eager to see my limits, the
maximum performance I could achieve, at
that point of time, so, we talk about
2002, 2003, 2004, but I think, I stopped
taking any tests since then. The last time
I took one was in 2004. So, back then, 20
years ago, my highest performance was,
was quite high. It was a performance of
200, 198 using a standard deviation of 15,
which is
6.66 standard deviations above the mean.
Which means that this performance, as we
said before a while, we are talking about
an adult performance, so it's an
estimation of the Rarity of a
performance among the general population.
That's the interpretation. That's the
definition. So,
6.66 standard deviations above the mean
means, that it's a performance that can
be met by very few people among many
Quite a few different galaxies,
of course.
Yeah, let's
include Mars.
We are not there yet but there are no doubts
that it's very, very high score.
all the humans in the solar system.
at least. Laura Mecchi asks or said: May I ask,
if, just let me
enlarge the screen, if is it in principle
possible to account for the intelligence
faculty with an observable quantity
which has not only on order relation
like IQ. I can't,
can't understand.
I'm trying to
understand myself.
Yeah, it's not
easy. Intelligence
Is it if IQ, is it the question
if IQ is the only means to understand
intelligence or
to give an estimation and a mathematical
of how much intelligent some one
Yeah, maybe we can transpose the
the question and ask to ourselves, at
least, the problem of defining
Consciousness. Which is, may be a very,
very difficult task, and nobody has ever
been able to define consciousness. So, if
we can, I can just try to formulate
a question, which is: Do you think
we will ever be able to truly define
what Consciousness is? And then, could
you share your personal understanding or
a description of what Consciousness means
for you? Without cheating the works by
Penrose, or so, which is quite hard to
be explained, I think in
Marco, let me first ask, before I try
to answer, let me first ask what do we
mean by
Knowing that we are, we
are what we are,
Ah, ok, I got it, I got it.
Inside the environment and in relation to...
I got it. Thanks for clarifying that.
Well, actually, it's the perception,
it's the realization and acceptance that
someone is alive. First of all. It's the
consciousness of living, of being alive.
So, practically we need a living being,
being able and having the abilities to
realize, that the specific, there is a
specific existence in us. We are alive
ourselves, So, we need a functional mind,
a functional body, which both
host a functional
mind. The soul, the psyche, all the
mental abilities are based on
functional bodies. That's how we perceive
soul in our times. We need a functional
body, in order to be in any position to
exhibit and
conceive anything in terms of how we
feel, how we think, in order to think, in
order to develop any mental quality.
We need a functional body. That's the
thing. So, practically, if we are talking
now about living beings, about humans,
consciousness varies a lot among people.
And you know it's a matter, which is
culturally affected and
there are some, many cultural
interferences there. In different
cultures, Consciousness is
defined differently.
During our lifetime
and also during the day. So, when we are
sleeping, our consciousness is slowing down.
Yes, it takes a break.
Takes a break. yeah
When we go to sleep.
However, it's actually a matter of
alertness, how alert someone can be and
actually it's a perception of
existence. Our own existence. And that's
our own Consciousness. In terms now of
how someone develops his own, their
own ethical code, their own
direction in life, their own Rights and
Wrongs, which also, all of these
aspects, all of them have to do with
their own, the specific
individuals' own definition of what
life is and how they perceive themselves
in their own lives, you may
understand, when we give such a
definition, that it's a very subjective
term. How anyone and how different people
may perceive how their own Consciousness is?
How their own ability and their own
perception of their own existence is?
It varies a lot, to be honest and it's very
difficult to offer a generalized and
common definition, suitable and
appropriate for all of us.
Unfortunately I have to say that this
is a little flame, but I can't avoid to
show you that somebody's pretending to
be yourself. And this is
an account, which I'm
reading, Cazziuolis, hello everybody I'm... okay this is...
Hello, Hello!
Really a bad thing I think. It's
quite embarrassing for...
Don't bother,
Marco, don't bother at all. It's funny.
Yeah, okay, a laugh and it's... So,
another important question, this is
quite long to be read, but,
What is your philosophy of life? You are
a Life coach, of course. Do you believe we
are meant to follow a specific mission
or it's the purpose of life simply to
live. Personally, I think our Collective
Consciousness, we are just linking to the
previous question. So, I think our
Consciousness, which is where we are as a
whole species, as human beings, continues
evolve. From time to time with
occasional pauses and slow downs. This isn't
about a Divine
Mission. I am not believing in any
God, but rather an evolutionary process
that connects all of us, made of Stardust.
are made of Stardust like a famous
quotation. And in this Mr Universe we
don't know anything basically. So, this is
quite hard to ask you. Which is your
personal vision of
Well, Marco, thanks for the question.
It's an interesting one. Well, I don't
think that there is any specific
Divine meaning in Life or any
special reason that we live. It's a
development It's a natural
Miracle, to be honest, that we are alive.
Nature made its own tricks and we
are alive and we have been developed.
And actually, I perceive life as an
opportunity. As a chance. As our own
chance to gain as much safety as we want,
and as much satisfaction as we want and
as much meaning as we want. And we define
our safety, our satisfaction and our own meaning,
our own life meaning. So, actually I'm
talking about a personalization of how
we will take advantage of an
opportunity. And temporary, And temporary
opportunity. It's a temporary opportunity.
That's my definition of life.
We have been given a temporary opportunity.
And we need, if we can understand that,
if we perceive so, if we think so, that,
if we agree with what I'm saying, we need
to take advantage of it. The thing is
that we have been living our own
lives in terms of how we came to be
alive today. We have been in different
periods living our lives and facing
specific issues, specific people, having
specific experiences. We gathered all
these experiences and we have given
them, our own interpretations.
We understood what we understood from
whatever we lived so far. And that's the
main difficulty in life. How we can deal
with our past, when we need to live our
present. That's the difficult issue.
I think Stephen Hawking would have agreed
with you, since you also said that our
life is a very big chance, that we need
to get, in order to live it. So, there
are some different comments. I haven't,
so, I don't know which comments
to highlight. but there are some stupid
questions and comments, but I think
this is interesting and IQ-related. I can
give, of course, my personal answer, but
but it's quite long. So, the problem is
that IQ ranking doesn't reflect the real
IQ of people listed there. For
example, my IQ on the World Genius Directory
doesn't reflect any way my real IQ, which
very, it's not, not so high in any case. So,
I don't think that this is a true,
a good way to evaluate
people's cognitive performances
or skills or abilities. Anyway, it's just
useful for knowing each other and
meet some people with the common
interest also. So, I think Evangelos' IQ is very,
very higher than mine, not up.
Will you
allow me to make a comment on that?
Of course, sure.
Well, I've noticed after 20,
more than 20 years dealing with the
high IQ achievers, and being a part,
being a member in high IQ communities,
that there are plenty of people, who are
taking IQ tests, they are trying their
best to achieve the most they can, and
that's a very useful for them
present in the middle of their own lives,
where a lot of other things are
missing. A lot of other things, a lot of
other aspects, a lot of other choices,
a lot of satisfaction, a lot of
their own needs are not met, are
not satisfied. And these specific people
very obsessed to achieve the highest
possible score in order to
show to themselves or to exhibit
themselves, to give back to themselves
that there is something glorious going
on with themselves. When, on the
other hand, they may be missing a
lot. And they may be not happy at all,
they may be not satisfied at all,
they may be missing even a position,
something going on in their lives,
they may be missing almost everything.
However, a nice IQ, a nice number,
a big number gives them some kind of happiness,
some kind of recognition, and actually
some kind of
alibi, that, just because they are so
smart, they shouldn't compromise,
they shouldn't say yes to what other people
are saying yes at, they shouldn't agree.
They should disagree all the time.
They should do different things. They should
be different and be differentiated
than any Norm, than anyone around
them. So, actually, a high IQ sometimes
may be the reason that some people do
come into groups, do not form
groups, do not form relationships, do not
claim what they want in their own
lives. It may well be and it may well
an argument that some people will
not try to achieve the most in their own
lives. And that's not a good thing about IQ.
That's actually misery. That's a
very unfortunate use of a high
achievement, of a high score. However, it's
very common.
Maybe taking a very big
number of
high IQ tests turns also into an addictive hobby
or activity. So, you just keep trying
and taking new tests, in order to improve
your score on some kind of ranking, but
this isn't useful nor you are pushing up
your intelligence. It's just a way to
try to be satisfied with yourself,
when you aren't so good at doing
other things or maybe using that great
potential putting it into mathematics or
writing a novel, I don't know, doing
something good for others.
I agree with you, but I wasn't referring to
the person, who is enjoying himself
taking tests or enjoying their own time
taking any kind of test or challenging
themselves with any new test.
It's a new experience anyway. I was
talking about people who are missing a
lot and they are redirecting their
they are prioritizing and they are only
evaluating, giving high importance taking
another test or a subsequent test, in
order to increase their own scores
because that's, that's all about them.
It's totally different.
If I'm not
getting it wrong, Pinco Pallino is a physician,
a PhD in
physics. Can you confirm, my friend, so?
If so, I think that this comment is
quite valuable. It's worth read it. So,
thank you for the elaborate answer,
I agree. Which is very nice
compliment. Anyway, different
questions, just let me check. Okay,
I think this is a real question, not a
troll question by some hater. So,
achieving a high IQ score could prevent
some people from improving their flows,
because it will make them, it's the
worlds fault, since they are so
That's what we are talking about.
That's the big thing. It's like
they give themselves, they recognize,
they accept, they understand
themselves or they want to understand
themselves as been different and as been
in a higher position, in a higher rank
having exceptional abilities, having
the potential to be understood as
very capable. However, these specific
individuals may take a different
direction in their own lives and may not
take part in any interaction with
other human beings. They may avoid
discussing and liaising with other people
and trying to find solutions, trying
to form groups and form teams and
find answers. Just because they are
different. Just because they are capable.
Just because they give themselves, as we
said just before a while, an alibi that
they have a paper, they have a number to
show to themselves, that they are
different and they
are something special.
Not only different,
but better. This is the most, so...
They won't bother, sorry to interrupt,
they won't bother to interact with someone
with a lower IQ.
Since I am so smart, they can't
understand what I am saying.
That's a curse, by the way.
That's a curse.
It's quite risky. Simon Gerber:
Do you think a nihilistic outlook on life is
positive or negative? I think it's a
consequence of this kind of
situations, but I prefer to leave to Evangelos.
If it is a nihilistic one, how could it
be positive?
Yep. Dante Terribile said that recognized that
these are trolls, troll Factory,
trying to put with me everywhere on the
web. Anyway, that's
all. Have a nice time to them.
Different comments. Very.Crazy.Math.Pistols
answer, I think that, okay, this is
quite long. TalentsHunters, Hi!
I am very happy that you can find
some time to follow us. Do you see IQ in
such way, that in a far future, it could
be possible to test IQ with the testee
"passive"? Meaning just observing the brain
of the testee from outside. Oh, okay, understand.
With some kind of tool to measure
their IQ, like blood pressure
or so.
As far as we
develop further tools, and as far as
makes more discoveries, so,
practically, when we establish, when we
have established the level of
understanding about our mind
functions, that we can relate
architecture, relate anatomical
architecture and functionality based
on anatomical architecture, we can relate this
to specific abilities, including
intelligence, then at that point of time
we won't be, it won't be necessary for
anyone to take any test. We will have
some, will possibly
take a developed PET scan or something
like that, and we will have established
an understanding at a very close
estimate of our
This is another question from
Simon, which is for you, obviously:
The higher the self image, the higher risk
of isolation? This is the question.
Question mark. Because the outer world
can potentially refute that self
idea. I think, so, it comes to my mind
the song by Simon & Garfunkel, which is
quite similar to your name, I am an
island, a Rock Island, and I'm
carrying nobody, I have my books, my poetry
and that's quite sad, but I can't.
I don't know if you ever heard that
song. It's by Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel.
I can't remember.
I think I haven't.
The rock or the
island. I can't remember the title.
But I remember the song.
You send me
Yeah, okay.
Well, regarding the specific
question, it came to my mind, as soon as
I read the question, the definition,
the scientific definition of what a
is. What is a narcissist? It's a person
with an inflated ego image, inflated
perception about his own self, their own
selves. And that's not the
only thing about the narcissism.
This inflated, selfish ego and perception of
their own selves comes following a
prior trauma. A prior, a lower
perception of their own selves and
there is a reactive inflation of how
they perceive themselves. So, let's say
that someone scores high on a high IQ
test. If that person needs a kind of
argument, a kind of number.
When we talk about IQs, we are talking
about numbers. So, practically who can
object a number. A number is a number.
We need to accept it. Marco can confirm
that. It's the power of numbers.
So, there is a number confirming that this
person is exceptional. This person is
the best. This person is the
smartest among anyone, any
other around them. If this person
develops a high self-image or if
this person needs a high self-image, sometimes
following a specific lower self-image,
that this person may have in the past,
may have had in the past,
we can now understand that psychologically
this person may need a high IQ, in order
to establish an understanding of
themselves among others. And probably,
having such an understanding about who,
about their own selves, it's very
difficult to interact with anyone else.
It's very difficult to relate with
anyone. It's very difficult to share
anything with anyone else.
Actually, they are in a position to
demand obedience and demand that
other people will be submissive towards
Just because
they want that.
Here is a need for us.
What do you think about a society created to
solve more applied problems? So, giving
some kind of focus to a given IQ society,
in order to try to solve a real life
problem also. Which is...
I like the idea a
lot. That's the reason, that I found
some societies, as I told you, many
decades ago. That's the concept and I
think that's the point. That's a crucial
point. And that's the only point of
gathering people, who have exceptional
abilities. The thing is not to
give them a label, to give them a title,
to give them some
award or something else. It's to gather
all of them and the group potential,
the group dynamics there, the group,
the abilities of any group member will
contribute to achieving a specific
goal, to helping, to finding a
solution, to doing something
Anteo Nieto, sorry, says good evening.
Good evening to you. What do you think
about failure. Our relationship with
failure. Relation. In particular the right
mentality to make the best of such
situations. So winners and losers. Is it
really important or we have to develop
some kind of skills to face
failure or so, I think.
Actually, I'm
very fond of failure. I like failure a
lot. As soon as I understand for
myself that, apparently for any reason,
and I need to investigate the reason,
I just failed. That's a very important
understanding. That's a very important
outcome. When we need to evaluate where
we are? How we approach our
current choices? How we can develop
further our own position in our own
lives? How we can improve our
functionality and our outcomes?
Failure and success are actually different sides
of the same coin, if we can say that. When
we try something, we expose ourselves to
two random outcomes. We can either
succeed something, whatever we have in
mind or we can fail. If we fail having
made a specific choice,
that's a very important, a very
valuable lesson for us. And if we
accept this lesson, instead of
accusing ourselves or feeling
low or being very strict towards
ourselves, if we accept that the specific
choice is the reason for our failure,
then we have the option, we have
the opportunity to reevaluate the
choice. Reevaluate the way, the pathway
towards achieving the specific thing we
have in mind. Actually, we need to
accept our failures.
Failures are valuable by the way, because
give us valuable information
about our way towards our
happiness, our success. towards
the life that we want to live. Failures
show us the way.
I can't agree more
with you. This is the last
Of course, by Tommaso Rossi:
Hello, could you explain how a High IQ person
lives a standard day and which are
the differences with an average IQ person,
for example going to a bar for breakfast
and so on. So, this is quite broad, broad
question for you.
I don't think there are
differences or if there are differences
then we are talking about a person
who wants to pretend, who wants to
exhibit a set of differences for the
sake of differences and we need to
investigate it a bit further, why this
person needs to behave in a different
way. A person with high abilities,
a person with a high IQ, and now we
directly related high IQ with high
intelligence. Sometimes, a person who has
achieved a high IQ is not really very
intelligent. It's a person, who
technically or
practically or using any
other, sometimes even illegal ways
has given correct answers to an IQ test.
That's not in all cases a person who is
And with a proper subset of the whole
set, which is intelligence.
As we said
before a while, someone can
purchase, can buy the answers and can
give then answers and can have a high
IQ. That doesn't really make him an
intelligent person. On the other hand...
Worst case scenario, but it's real, so,
it's not just...
On the other hand, any
intelligent person is not, has not, by
default, taken an IQ test
already. Not all intelligent people
around the world have taken IQ tests.
So, practically, we are facing and we are
dealing every day with intelligent
people, who have never taken any IQ test,
however they may be, they may be even
more intelligent than the ones they took
a test. Just to have that in mind.
So, I was trying to answer the question.
that living differently doesn't,
is not really related to a high IQ.
It's a matter of choice. It actually serves
some specific needs from the side of the
specific individual. The specific
individual wants to be different and
having a high IQ may be the reason,
the ground, that this person
accepts it, and wants to
behave and live in a different way.
Actually it gives him, a High IQ
gives the reason to serve the
specific person's need to be
Laura Mecchi again asks you, for you,
I was wondering if it's possible to
determine a certain unit of measurement
of intelligence to be assigned to
quantity, to quantify it. So, the problem
of properly measure intelligence, but I
think that we have the problem to
properly define which is intelligence. So,
this problem is an issue that
comes before the real aspect of
When we refer to
intelligence, we actually mean...
which is a true definition of
intelligence? It can be so broad, that
we can't, we can't
really... The camera was...
Okay, we are back. So, you were
frozen and I can't understand
if you we are, we are okay with
your camera. Anyway, I think that
there are just two trolls on the chat.
And we are approaching the one hour of
live streaming. So, I think it's good
to end this interesting and
fascinating live. And it's been a
pleasure for me having us with, having
you with us, and I wish you all the best
and see you soon on the web, on the
World Intelligence Network, I don't know.
Marco, thank you very much for this
great opportunity, first of all to see
you, to talk to you and then communicate
with your audience. Thank you very much
for your initiative. I really appreciate
that. And by all means, we can arrange
that again whenever you want.
Me too, me too.
Thank you very much and, of course,
the video will be available also on
your channel, I think, so
Thank you.
People can watch it again still here or on
your channel leaving a like and subscribing
both our channels.
Thank you
Ciao Smarties. See you and stop.
Bye Bye
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